Alex is Chief Operating Officer at WON IAM. Alex has 20 years’ experience in the investment management industry and prior to that worked in a leading London law firm. Alex was joined Atlas Capital, a UK based fund of funds, in 2002, becoming Group Legal Counsel in 2005, before moving to found Orchard Harbour, a specialist in Asia-Pacific hedge funds, in 2007. Alex joined Select Asset Management as COO in 2012, and thereafter leading the Investment Management division and RE Services within OneVue, upon OneVue’s acquisition of Select. More recently Alex has headed consulting services for Castle Hall in APAC as well as the firm’s ESG services globally. Alex is a qualified Solicitor and a Barrister in England & Wales having completed the Bar at the College of Law in London. Alex is an executive committee member of AIMA’s Australian chapter and a member of AIMA’s ESG Global Working Group. Alex speaks and writes frequently on the subjects of Impact Investing, ESG, Governance and Due Diligence. Alex graduated from Cardiff University in the UK with a degree in Law.


Having purpose is what set me on the road towards my professional career. It’s something I have re-connected passionately through impact investing. Our financial system largely ignores the voices of the core constituents in favour of those of financial executives. The values of plan members or the impact on an underlying constituent are ignored by a system that, on the whole, promotes self-interest. Impact investing is the antidote to these problems and the solution to many more. At WONIAM I’m privileged to be part of team that shares these values and is contributing (in some small way) to better outcomes for the planet and the undeserved members of our society.