

Associate | Communications
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My Life Experience

Adam is currently working as an Associate in Media and Communications responsible for managing WONIAM online presence and communication via the company website and social media platforms. Adam also co-ordinates WONIAM impact webinars as well as virtual and in-person impact conferences.

Adam started working at Wealth of Nations Advisors in 2019 as an intern before taking a part-time role at WONIAM in 2021 while he completes his Bachelor of Communications. Majoring in Creative Writing at University of Technology in Sydney. Adam is a classical pianist and prior to joining the WON Group, he was a piano teacher for 4 years.

My Passion in Impact

At a young age I remember watching documentaries by David Attenborough and being fascinated by the wonders of the natural world. I spent an incredible amount of time while growing up in London, frequenting the Natural History Museum and badgering  my parents to buy me the latest Natural Geographic books which so beautifully illustrating our planets wildlife. I learned quickly that the wonders I behold, may not be around by the time my children have children, and the actions of man, and man alone, will be responsible for that outcome. I like many in my generation, started to feel that these problems with our planet that need to be resolved, were out of my control. A lot of anxiety and fear resides within our day to day lives and as a generation we are not being provided with adequate solutions from those generations that came before us.

It was not until I learned about impact investing, that I became aware that there are groups out there delivering ‘real world’ solutions for planet and people. I am blessed to have the opportunity to see real change and to work along side others who genuinely want to see that change. Impact has given me as a member of the youth of today, far more hope for positive change in the future. Given my skills in communication, I want to ensure I can convey this hope to the masses. I want young people today, to stand up and put positive pressure on those that direct capital, to ensure it actually moves towards delivering solutions.