
NZ Investor Roadshow – Roadmap for Impact


Gain a roadmap for impact investing

Whether a private wealth manager, a government agency, an asset manager, or an asset owner, we all have stakeholders demanding we do more. Do more in how we invest our capital to improve the social and environmental fabric that holds not just our local communities together, but also our global communities.

Climate change is not a domestic problem, it’s a global problem. Unemployment, or under-employment, is not just a local problem, it’s a global problem. Affordable housing is not just a local problem, its everyone’s problem, and gender inequality is certainly not ‘the woman next doors problem’, it’s the women next door everywhere problem. COVID was not a local problem, it was, and still is a global problem. To find local solutions, we should embrace global solutions.

Impact investing is not the holy grail, but it comes close as its investments made with the intention to generate positive measurable social and environmental impact alongside delivering market or better-than-market financial return to its stakeholders. It’s driven by intention, its outcomes are measurable, and verifiable and unlike many other forms of sustainably labelled products, it takes account of the negative impact.

There is no such thing as a neutral investment.

Regulators in Europe, the US and now Australia are putting money managers on notice. Get your house in order in respect to what you market as ESG, sustainable, green, net-zero and even impact because if it’s not true-to-label, you will be exposed. Impact investing is not a cottage industry, its growth rate is exponential and the great wealth transfer from Boomers to Millennials over the next two decades, will see the demand for true-to-label ‘impact funds’. A demand that will need to be met by all who manage money, if they want to maintain or grow their market-share.

Advance the journey in impact. BOOK YOUR PLACE.

Click here for news release.