

Creating sustainable wealth through strategic investments in global mega trends, delivering robust returns and positive societal and environmental impact.
We construct model and bespoke institutional investment portfolios that leverage global investment megatrends in climate transition, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and transformative technologies. Our portfolios are designed to drive positive, ‘true-to-label’ social and environmental impact that is both measurable and verifiable, ensuring our clients achieve significant and authentic impact alongside superior financial returns.
We construct effective risk-adjusted portfolios by leveraging global investment megatrends in climate transition, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and transformative technologies. Our impact portfolios offer diversification across asset classes, geographies, and impact themes, providing a robust hedge against conventional private asset portfolios and mitigating the risk of ‘impact washing’
We pursue market-competitive and market-beating returns, ensuring we meet the fiduciary responsibilities of our clients. By capitalizing on global investment megatrends in climate transition, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and transformative technologies, we strategically position our portfolios to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns. Nearly 70% of investors globally report meeting or exceeding market returns through impact investments, reflecting the effectiveness of our approach.


WON-IAM seizes impact investment opportunities driven by global megatrends such as climate transition (MegaT1), diversity, equity, and inclusion (MegaT2), and transformative technologies (MegaT3). We create multi-asset, multi-manager, portfolios that maximize client returns while delivering significant positive social and environmental impact for a given level of risk. By analysing historical risk, return, and impact data, and incorporating future targeted returns and impact outcomes, as well as investor-specific preferences for risk, return, and impact, we determine the optimal portfolio mix, ensuring maximum exposure and diversification across MegaT1, MegaT2, and MegaT3.

Our firm belief, supported by in-depth research, is that the optimal way to leverage and benefit from the emerging global investment megatrends is through impact investment opportunities in private markets due to the long-term nature of the holdings and the significant ownership stakes in equity strategies.

Globally, we continue to identify compelling impact investment opportunities within Private Credit, Fixed Income, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Real Estate, and Infrastructure. In Australia, we see promising smaller-scale opportunities in Infrastructure, Private Credit, and Private Equity, with substantial opportunities in Real Estate, particularly in social housing.

Don’t know much about impact investments?

Watch this easy to follow video


Our investment thesis centres on building institutional impact portfolios within private markets that are strategically aligned with global investment megatrends.

By focusing on key areas such as climate transition, technological innovation, and social equity, we aim to generate robust financial returns while driving meaningful societal and environmental impact. Our approach leverages deep market insights and rigorous analysis to identify and invest in high-potential opportunities that not only promise significant growth but also contribute to sustainable development goals.

By aligning our portfolios with these transformative trends, we ensure that our investments are poised to capitalize on the most promising sectors of the future economy, delivering long-term value for our clients and positive change for the world.

Investment Megatrend Aligned
Return Focus
Impact Focus
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Fintech platform supporting WON-IAM and the wider group’s data and information aggregation efforts in promoting impact investing opportunities aligned with global investment megatrends such as climate transition, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and transformative technologies.

World’s first, smart-device-only, wholesale institutional focused impact investing platform. Leading in impact visibility of data, with granular detail on Wealth of Nations Impact Asset Management strategies & funds.

Access to impact investing community where investors can engage in direct conversation with the WON-IAM portfolio team, or request access to WON-IAM data room, all through the in-app messenger.

Ability to post impact strategy interest on investor “Tender Wall”. Ability for investors to post a specific impact investment strategy interest or RFI, which they wish Wealth of Nations Impact Asset Management to participate in.

Access to impact & manager news, track your favourite impact funds, review upcoming impact events – domestic and international, and engage with Wealth of Nations Impact Asset Management or the wider impact community in conversation via the in-app messenger.

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    WON-IAM measures impact across it’s underlying portfolio of funds. Aggregating impact across the portfolio to give clients a clear and precise measurement of their total impact.

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    We use internationally recognised frameworks and data metrics to measure and assess the impact of our underlying portfolio investments.

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    We provide clients with much needed transparency to measure the impactfulness of their investments and allowing client stakeholders to envision the outcomes of their investments.

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    We elevate the voices of constituents in the impact process to humanize finance in a simple but revolutionary manner.